Why you wanna run forever?

navždy, teď, nikdy. velká hromada snů někdy mizí v oparu bezradnosti, jindy se zase zvětšuje. to někdy je teď docela často. Nový Zéland, Austrálie, surfing, surfing a surfing, Chile, SF znova, NY a teď i Japonsko. je toho moc. co bude? kdo ví.
teď je jasná jen jedna věc, a to že bych nejradši do všeho kopla, zahodila vizi mé úžasné budoucnosti s titulem a jela do tramtárie.

forever, now, never. a huge pile of dreams sometimes sinking into the mist of helplessness, at another time getting higher and higher. that sometimes is becoming often. New Zealand, Australia, surfing, surfing and surfing, Chile, SF again, NY plus now Japan. there is a lot. what becomes real? who knows.
at the very moment one thing is clear, which is that i would love to just say fuck everything, throw away the vision of my marvelous future with a degree and flee directly to wonderland. 

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